
At Ankeny Gospel, we value and prioritize shared leadership. We believe that the pastors and deacons are the two offices of the church that most reflect Jesus when they humbly serve one another as they serve the church. Our goal is that the leaders of AGC first allow God to work in them, before working through them. On this page you’ll find some of the stories of who we are, what we do, and our heart for the church.

Parker McGoldrick

In addition to serving as the Teaching Pastor, Parker also helps oversee the Prayer Ministry, Equipping Hour, Music Ministry, and Youth Ministry.

Tom Butler

As a non-staff pastor, Tom is passionate about teaching, discipleship, and helps oversee the Kids Ministry and Hospitality Ministry.

Nate Pritchard

As a non-staff pastor, Nate is passionate about community, serving the local community, and helps oversee the Small Groups  and Communications Team.

Janet Weeden

As a non-staff deacon, Janet oversees the set-up and tear-down teams and helps meet the needs of the people of AGC.

Hazel Magner

As a non-staff deacon, Hazel helps meet the needs of the people of AGC and serves on the Hospitality Team, Prayer Team, and Local Outreach.