In Ankeny
as it is
in Heaven

Join us on Sundays at 10:15AM

Our desire is to become disciples who seek the presence of God, are formed in the image of Jesus, and live on mission for the renewal of our city.


We long for the tangible presence of God to move among us, so we seek Him in everything we do through prayer and worship.


We are being formed into the image of Jesus through truth, community, and practicing the way of Jesus together.


God is making all things new, so we live on sacrificial mission for the spiritual, social, and cultural renewal of our city.


Prayer is central to everything we do as a church. Through prayer we seek the presence of God and contend for a move of his Spirit in our time. We believe things change when God's people pray, and we have several ways for you to join with us as we partner with God in prayer. 

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