Events at AGC

All things happening in the life of our church

No church is greater than their prayer life. If we want to be a people who seek the presence of God, are formed into the image of Jesus, and live on mission for the renewal of our city and our world, we must become a people of prayer. We want constant, conscious communion with the Father; we long to practice the presence of God in everything we do.

Prayer Room

Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00PM
Fridays from 6:00-7:00AM

God is stirring a life of prayer in Ankeny Gospel Church and we long to see God move in our lives and our city. In these Prayer Rooms we host a time to pray corporately. Join us as we seek to encounter the Holy Spirit, intercede on behalf of our church and city, and listen for God’s voice together.

For more information about the location each week, and to request a link to call in if you can’t make it in person, you can visit our Events page or contact us and we’ll get back to you quickly! If we can pray with you or for you in any way, please fill out this form:

Receive Prayer on Sundays

At the end of our service each Sunday, we invite our church to respond to what they have just heard and experienced. Members of our prayer team and staff are there to pray with you.

Personal Prayer:


Daily Devotionals: